Online Safety

Rigby Hall Online Safety and Safeguarding

Terms such as, 'online', 'communication technologies' and 'digital technologies', refer to all fixed and mobile technologies that children may encounter, now and in the future, which allow them access to content and communications that could raise e-safety issues or pose risks to their wellbeing and safety.

The term 'safeguarding' is defined in relation to e-safety as the process of limiting risks to children when using technology. 

This section seeks to provide guidance and support to parents, carers and pupils, to keep pupils safe and secure when interacting with e-technology within school, and for supporting the home environment.


Online Safety Newsletter May 2024

Online Safety Newsletter April 2024

Online Safety Newsletter March 2024 - Primary

Online Safety Newsletter March 2024 - Secondary


Letters and useful information:

Parent Online Safety Booklet July 2024

My Family's Digital Toolkit - Tailored online safety advice | Internet Matters - Child Net 

How to Set Up Parental Controls for iPhone Apps

Gaming letter - from Samantha Hayward

Omegle Letter - from Samantha Hayward - Information on how to keep children with SEND safe online. 

Parental Controls - June 2020 

A Guide to Parental Controls

Vodaphone Digital Parenting

Pack O

2023 - Secondary Online Safety Newsletter January 2023 - Primary verview

Conversation Starters

Fun Things to do

Get involved

Get Safe online

Information & online resources

Internet Safety Plan

Quick activities

NSPCC Parent Guide

Snapchat - What parents should know

Cyberbullying & online harassment

The Good Gaming Guide

Sexting in Schools Booklet.

Annex 1 - Sexting in Schools.

Annex 2 - Sexting in Schools.

Managing Sexting in Schools.

ACPO Lead’s Position on Young People Who Post Self-Taken Indecent Images.

Parent's Pack - What's the Problem.

Get Netwise Leaflet.

Parents Guide to Instagram.