After School Clubs


After school clubs will not be taking place due to COVID-19. This is being looked at for Summer Term 2020. 



After-School Clubs are run every term, a letter will be sent out offering a chance of a place, they are allocated on first come first served basis.

All After School Clubs (with the exception of the Rockets Clubs) finish at 4.30pm.

Rigby Rockets                                             

Respite/Short Breaks Afterschool Club  

We run two after school sessions each week to enable respite / short breaks for parents.

Due to the funding arrangements, priority will be given to referred pupils, there may still be some places available to other students. 


Session focus on Primary aged students
There will be a range of activities available offering social opportunities for the young people.


Session focused on Secondary aged students
This is a Youth Club style session, with less structure than the usual clubs. Students can sit and chat over a cup of tea, or watch a film or make use of some of the sports facilities we have within school.